Monday, August 24, 2020

Hershey Marketing Free Essays

The Hershey Company 1. History and Overview The first Hershey’s Chocolate Bar was created in 1900, six years after the firm that would turn into The Hershey Company (â€Å"Hershey†) was established by treats maker Milton S. Hershey. We will compose a custom exposition test on Hershey Marketing or then again any comparable theme just for you Request Now 2. Vital Planning, Corporate Vision Until toward the end of last year when Hershey declared designs to patch up how it arranges its business with two new vital business unitsâ€one for chocolate and the other for sugar confectioneryâ€the company’s showcasing association was contained five essential item gatherings and three divisions: Hershey North America, Hershey International and the Global Marketing Group. As per their 2009 Annual Financial Report, this association structure permitted Hershey to profit by special client and shopper patterns, influence showcasing and deals initiative in the US and Canada, and spotlight on key development territories in worldwide markets (Annual Report p. 2). As demonstrated by a November second, 2010 public statement, the new structure is intended to use skills for worldwide development, fortify territorial concentration with extra assets, and enlarge sweet shop buyer bits of knowledge and advancement abilities. (http://www. hehersheycompany. com/newsroom/news-discharge 1490640. aspx) In 2009, Hershey set forth their first Corporate Social Responsibility Report. In the initial passages of this report they call Corporate Social Responsibility basic to their central goal of â€Å"Bringing sweet snapshots of Hershey bliss to the world consistently. † Kotler and Keller (27) battle that not exclusively should a statement of purpose be short, vital, si gnificant, and suffering, it ought to give representatives a mutual feeling of direction, heading, and opportunity. Hershey is sensitive to these requirements. The report expounds, â€Å"Our representatives are focused on our mission†¦In the entirety of our endeavors, we are guided by our qualities, which have empowered our organization to prevail over the long haul. † Hershey’s interior promoting technique is driven by their expressed corporate valuesâ€â€Å"One Hershey: A worldwide and assorted group, working with respectability, cooperating, resolved to have any kind of effect (Hershey Our Values). Kotler and Keller (29) distinguish the significance of using three explicit nternal bunches toward the objective of fruitful system making: workers with young points of view; representatives far expelled from organization home office; and representatives new to the business. In a coordinated exertion to empower thoughts from the more youthful age, Hershey has executed an inventive methodology by setting up a Ramp;D tutoring program where new Millennial workers are matched with experienced Boomers. Hershey perceives that Millennials have completely gotten more noteworthy help from their schools and families and anticipate it from their managers too. Hershey additionally has a program considered Quality Through Excellence that draws in â€Å"the generally dedicated and vigorous idea pioneers from everywhere throughout the organization and from various useful zones. † Among different things, these representatives are accused of the obligation of gave criticism to the organization about what’s working out positively and what should be changed. Further, they have upgraded their presentation the executives framework to remunerate workers for their commitments to the accomplishment of the organization. Drawing in, Developing and Retaining Talent p11) A prevalent worth chain joins an elevated level of item quality, administration, and speed (Kotler and Keller 23). The combination of these parts permits advertisers to accomplish beneficial development by, in addition to other things, building reliability and catching client lifetime esteem. Hershey has a continuous duty to bargain decently and morally with all gatherings i n its worldwide worth chain which reaches out from the ranchers who flexibly crude materials for fixings to customers everywhere throughout the world. They are committed to monitoring vitality and lessening discharges all through their worth chain, starting with a broad activity in 2007 to diminish ozone depleting substance outflows in both their offices and their vehicle tasks. (CSR Report 26) 3. Vital Planning-Business Vision Hershey depends on solid Ramp;D endeavors to keep gaining ground in the regions of cost decrease, quality confirmation, and procedure improvement. Their innovative work activities are fixated on the creation/improvement of new/existing assembling techniques. Late Ramp;D exercises have empowered Hershey to offer tweaked items which have ended up being a significant development driver (SWOT 2). Hershey’s capacity to gain by its inside quality in assembling keeps on profiting the organization. Another quality the organization gloats is a hearty and assorted item portfolio. Be that as it may, however the organization doesn't show an overdependence on a specific item fragment, it faces the danger of reliance on a solitary client. Hershey offers its items to different discount merchants, retail establishments and markets, be that as it may, in 2009 in excess of a fourth of the company’s net deals were gotten from deals to McLane Company, Inc. (SWOT 4). While Hershey has tremendous chances to extend in the developing markets, explicitly in India and China where extra cash proceeds to consistently rise, the organization likewise faces the danger of a developing fake merchandise advertise. This danger not just influences deals, it influences the picture of set up brands (SWOT 4). Underperformance of fake items will have a noteworthy negative effect on shopper certainty. Notwithstanding the additional opposition the fake market brings, Hershey will likewise keep on observing new players enter the market. This will make a still more noteworthy test to minimize expenses so as to remain serious. At the point when the organization started more than one hundred years back, it was conceded quick accomplishment with its ease, great milk chocolate. Despite the fact that one of Milton Hershey’s establishing rules that has endured throughout the years is to â€Å"make and sell a top notch item at a reasonable price† (CSR Report 7), another danger Hershey fights with is changing customer inclination. The organization is encountering changing purchaser patterns toward premium and exchange up item sections (SWOT 4). † In request to adjust to the evolving commercial center, Hershey should keep on continually create, produce and market new items. 4. Showcasing Strategies In 1963 Hershey obtained H. B. â€Å"Harry† Reese’s Candy Com pany which had been making chocolate-secured nutty spread cups since 1928. In the mid 1980s Hollywood maker Steven Spielberg met with Hershey official Jack Dowd. The two struck an arrangement and the recently created Reeses’s Pieces showed up in the incredible film industry hit, E. T. : The Extraterrestrial. Luckily for Hershey, the treats partook in the achievement. (thehersheycompany. com) Early this year in Las Vegas, NV, at the 2011 Consumer Electronics Show, Hershey divulged Reese’s Minisâ€smaller opened up adaptations of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. As per Anna Lingeris, representative for Reese’s, â€Å"Techies at CES search out cool developments like min-tuners, smaller than normal cams, nano-mice, little consoles, and gotta-have devices so little you could fit a fistful in our pocket, so who says the following, huge scaled down advancement can’t originate from a treats organization? (Business Wire 1/6/2011)† It is not yet clear whether this most recent Reese’s promoting barrage is a triumph, be that as it may, the recordings which parody the â€Å"unboxing† pattern in the tech world have had boundless play on YouTube and over various informal organizations (Business Wire 1/6/2011). This item falls in the well known hand-to-mouth classification that, as indicated by an ongoing Hershey introduction, by and by makes up 16% of chocolate deals (aphorism. com 10/21/10). Erin Swanson, a Morningstar expert, calls attention to that this item is lower hazard since it is an expansion of a current brand rather than a completely new one. Hershey has attempted its karma with some ongoing comparable brand augmentations. Displayed after Reese’s Pieces, early a year ago Hershey propelled Almond Joy Pieces, York Pieces and Hershey’s Special Dark Pieces. As per a Hershey representative, Jody Cook, they propelled these new items in trusts they would â€Å"entice purchasers who eat the conventional structure in a private setting to share a pack of Pieces in a social setting (nytimes. om 2/17/10)†. In 2005 the organization presented treats by every one of these three brands which were totally suspended a couple of years after the fact. Hershey advanced the new item dispatch with a â€Å"wrapper reward program† which urged buyers to be one of the initial 25,000 to mail in a covering from the full-size variant of one of these confections. Thusly, members got a coupon for a free pack of the littler item. Hershey depends on limited time programs like this one as a showcasing procedure to invigorate deals of specific items at different occasions consistently (2009 Annual Report p 5). We have an assortment of limited time programs for our clients just as publicizing and special programsfor customers of our items. We utilize our limited time projects to invigorate deals of specific items at different occasions consistently. Our deals are normally higher during the third and fourth quarters of the year, speaking to occasional and occasion related deals designs. In late 2010 Hershey uncovered designs to dispatch TV advertisements for PayDay and Hershey’s Syrupâ€two items that haven’t been advanced on TV for a decadeâ€alongside the new crusade for Reese’s Minis and Hershey’s Drops. As per CEO David West, this choice was made in light of the positive re

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Critical analysis of SECI Model of knowledge creation Essay

Basic investigation of SECI Model of information creation - Essay Example Alongside that, various sorts of techniques rehearsed by the colleagues to oversee information both inside and outside the association offices. Information creation and sharing is basic for achievement in any authoritative development and advancement. Numerous associations are currently overseeing information in creative manners to expand profitability (Nonaka, 1990). As proposed by Nonaka and Takeuchi, the SECI model is an only compelling model in the administration of information in networks and association, much the same as its creators continually guarantee of its aggregate authenticity. Then again, some contemporary written works resist their judgment. This paper expects to basically break down the viability of the SECI Model of information creation while proceeding with the conversation and investigating the restrictions of its appropriateness. Ikujiro Nonaka has been an extraordinary supporter of the SECI model of information creation. He clarified the different ideas of information, both unequivocal and implied. He concentrated in transit numerous western firms depended on the unequivocal information idea. He joined forces with Takeuchi and together they built up a SECI model that would proceed to be a significant part of information creation. At first, Nonaka (1994) proposed a two dimensional hypothesis alluding to making information. The foundation of social communication turned into the first or epistemological measurement among implicit and unequivocal information. For this situation, people convert the first information into different sorts, thus thinking of new information. Convincingly, the creator distinguished four unique sorts of changing over information (Figure 1). These assess Socialization, Externalization, Combination, and Internalization, which portrays implied to unsaid; inferred to express; unequivocal t o unequivocal, and express to implicit information transformation individually. Be that as it may, the

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Beyond The Lorax Childrens Books for Earth Day

Beyond The Lorax Childrens Books for Earth Day I like The Lorax, really I do. The Dr. Seuss classic weaves together a beguiling tale of a man who cuts down Truffula trees to make Thneeds and the Lorax who speaks for the trees. In the end, the forest of Truffulas is gone and the man regrets his intended, and unintended, actions. Although I like The Lorax, my toddler loves The Lorax. We listen to the audiobook version, narrated by Ted Danson, in the car almost once a day. Recently when my partner took her to the bookstore to pick out any book she wanted, she came home with The Lorax. Im not complaining that my little one loves a particular book. I have my favorites too! To celebrate Earth Day, though, I want to broaden our horizons. The Lorax has a great message, but there are other childrens books for Earth Day out there are just as educational and engaging. So, I went in search of some other options to read and enjoy on April 22nd. If you are looking for a book to borrow from the library or to add to your collection this Earth Day, try one of these fantastic childrens books for Earth Day below. Call Me Tree/Llamame arbol by Maya Christina Gonzalez This bilingual picture book would be a great addition to almost anyone’s bookshelf. Focusing on trees, which, of course, is great for Earth Day, the repetitiveness of Gonzalez’s words make this a great bedtime option. Compost Stew: An A to Z Recipe for the Earth by Mary McKenna Siddals, Illustrated by Ashley Wolff This alphabet book puts a compost spin on the ABCs and shows just how much of the world around us can be composted. I don’t compost now, but this book certainly encouraged me to explore it as an option in the futuremaybe for Earth Day!?! The EARTH Book by Todd Parr With Parr’s signature illustrative style, and to-the-point writing, The Earth Book is great for the littlest picture book lovers. Polar bears, owls, and bunnies grace the pages so this book would be great for animal lovers too. Michael Recycle by Ellie Bethel, Illustrated by Alexandra Colombo Do you have a superhero lover in your family? If so, this book is for them. When Michael Recycle drops by the town of Abberdoo-Rimey and encourages them to clean up their mess, the citizens take the advice to heart. This is the first book in Bethels Michael Recycle series and (bonus!) there are lots of practical suggestions for conservation in the back of the book. One Plastic Bag: Isatou Ceesay and the Recycling Women of Gambia by Miranda Paul, Illustrated by Elizabeth Zunon Ever wonder if there is something useful you can do with all of your plastic bags? This book tells the story of Isatou Ceesay in Gambia who finds a way to repurpose the plastic bags that are making her familys livestock ill. She, along with some friends, cleans the bags, makes them into something new, and sells them at a market. A great nonfiction recommendation for Earth Day (or year round)! Over and Under the Pond by Kate Messner, Illustrated by Christopher Silas Neal This book is beautifully written and stunningly illustrated. It’s so pretty that I’ve thought about framing the pages and hanging them on the wall. Featuring a mother and sun canoeing on a pond, they discuss the animals, plants, and wildlife that they see. This book is perfect for readers who like science and discovering the world around them. The Watcher: Jane Goodall’s Life with the Chimps by Jeanette Winter On April 22nd, this is the book my daughter and I will be reading. Now I’m sure we’ll read it a lot between now and then too, since she adores it so much, but this will be the book we talk about that day. The Watcher is about Jane Goodall’s life in Gombe with the chimps, but it also shows her as a young girl and as an activist today.   Any other suggestions for an Earth Day children’s book? Share your recommendations in the comments! Looking for Earth Day book recommendations for yourself? Here are 15 Books to Celebrate, as well as Nature Essays. Sign up to The Kids Are All Right to receive news and recommendations from the world of kid lit and middle grade books.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Flappers Essay - 771 Words

Flappers War is often followed by change; World War I is no exception. World War I is often labeled the cause for the rise of a feminine revolution-â€Å"the flapper†. Before the term â€Å"flapper† began to describe the â€Å"young independently-minded woman of the early Twenties† (Mowry 173), the definition that is most prominent today, it had a 300-year long history. The young woman of the 1920’s was new and rebellious. In her appearance and demeanor, she broke the social constructs of her society. When the war started, women had to take over the jobs of men and they learned to be independent. These women exemplified the beginning of change. Coupled with enfranchisement and the increased popularity of birth control, women experienced a new†¦show more content†¦The car, a new invention, was another tool in their rebellion; it was fast and could be reckless. Flappers used cars for three purposes: to drive, to ride and for â€Å"petting†. Petting was the sexual activity practiced in the back seats of cars. People also had petting parties, which mortified the older generation. The carefree attitude of the younger generation was attributed to the psychological trauma caused by the unprecedented casualty level of the war. This generation had the theory that each day might be the last, therefore lived it to the fullest. This mental change was accompanied by a change in the physical styles of women. Fashion trends that were held in high regard by tradition were challenged to demonstrate the new risquà © way of life. The Gibson glamour girl preceding the flapper wore long tresses, a high-neck starched shirt, and a long skirt over restrictive undergarments. The flapper did not adhere to these types of restrictions. Pantaloons and corsets, the Gibson girl’s undergarments, were not conducive to the dancing of the flapper or the need for physical freedom. They were replaced by underwear called step-ins (Rosenberg 2). The flapper fashion showed much more skin than the Gibson girl’s outfit. She wore a loose fitting dress that came just to the knees, with a dropped waistline and often showed the arms. The look worn by the flapper was called the â€Å"garconne† meaning little boy. The hair was first cut very short into a â€Å"bob† then evenShow MoreRelatedThe Flappers Of The 1920s1294 Words   |  6 Pages â€Å"The Flappers in the 1920s† How did flappers change the role of women? I will tell you what a flapper is. The lifestyle of a flapper. How they dresses and how did they wear their makeup.And how they change the role of women during the 1920s. The Gibson Girl’s fashionable clothing testified her profession; to be her husband’s ability to support her. â€Å" For the Gibson Girl, grooming itself was her profession; to be her husband’s prized possession was her career.† The Gibson Girl took her cues inRead MoreThe Book Flapper by Joshua Zeitz1169 Words   |  5 PagesFlapper by Joshua Zeitz is a book that tells an epic story about the American women during the time of the 1920’s. For a better understanding, a flapper would typically be a young girl who blurred the gender roles by taking on a more masculine lifestyle. They wore their hair short, drank and smoked frequently, and explored their sexuality. With this behavior, it didn’t destroy their femininity; it just simply provided the society’s perception of what a woman should and should not be. The story startsRead MoreEssay about Flappers: The Untraditional Women of the 1920s682 Words   |  3 Pagestraditional. These women became known as flappers and impacted the post-war society. People in the 1920’s couldn’t make up their minds about flappers. Some were against them and some were with them. Therefore, some people in the 1920’s loved and idolized flappers, I on the other hand, believed that they were a disgrace to society. These women broke many rules leading young women to rebel against their families. Some people hated this idea of the Flapper and they blamed the war for these women’sRead MoreEssay about Freedom of the Flapper1618 Words   |  7 Pagesassociated with the life of a flapper. While these descriptions are accurate, they do not inform people of the advantages and gains flappers made for the female gender. The flapper embodied the idea of freedom from the usual duties of a young female in the 1920s. These women were no longer tied down with the expectation that they immediately become a wife and mother, as well as being conservative and modest. By diving into a look at the fashion, music, and lifestyle of the flapper during the 1920s it willRead MoreFlappers: A Representation of Modern Independent Women733 Words   |  3 Pagesthe dancers called the Flappers. Flappers were developed to show a change in women in the 20th century. They represented a new woman that was more modern and independent. The Flappers created a new fashion for woman and a new image s howing that woman are more independent, more masculine, and can support themselves. Flappers demonstrated a new modern and independent woman who showed that they were capable of providing for themselves and having their own occupation. Flappers symbolized a â€Å"revolutionRead MoreGibson Girl versus Flapper Girl Essay562 Words   |  3 PagesGibson Girl versus Flapper Girl During the roaring twenty’s a new type of women arose, a women who rebelled against society’s standards for women, the Flapper Girl. The new Flapper Girl shocked society by setting a new type of women beauty that expressed their independence just like men. Meanwhile the Gibson Girl was the ideal figurehead for female beauty, they were often shown as fragile and vulnerable. Flapper Girls astonished the world by pushing the limits of the average Gibson Girl settingRead MoreHow Did Flappers Change The View Of Women During The 1920 S1003 Words   |  5 PagesHow did Flappers change the view of women in the 1920 s Before flappers came along women were very modest. They were brought up to be lady-like and did not even date men unless their parents came along. They would wear clothes that were long and fancy and would cover their bodies head-to-toe, because they were not allowed to even show their ankles. Flappers went against all theses customs. Their irresponsible actions included: around kissing men, dancing on men provocatively, and just not caringRead MoreGroundbreaking Piece in the New York Magazine of 1915 Called The Flapper2150 Words   |  9 Pagesfeatured a piece called, The Flapper. This was the first time a magazine had ever shown the rebellious young girl who wore short dresses and skirts in the 1920’s. The magazine described the flapper as â€Å"A charming creature!† (The Smart Set : A Magazine of Cleverness) and continued to boast the reputation of the flapper by portraying her as educated and mysterious. The magazine Vanity Fair soon followed in September of 1921, but this magazine demolished the reputation of the flapper girl. â€Å"Why aren’t theyRead More`` Flapper : A Story Of Sex, Style, Celebrity, And The Women Who Made America879 Words   |  4 Pagescomes to mind with the phrase, â€Å"modern America?† What are the relationships like? The style? They money-making business? How did it America get where it is today? Joshua Zeitz depicts how America’s society changed in the 1920s throughout his book, Flapper: A Madcap Story of Sex, Style, Celebrity, and the Women Who Made America Modern. Zeitz uses historical actors, specifically women, such as Coco Chanel and Kathleen Morrison, also known as Colleen Moore, to help redefine such changes into modern AmericaRead MoreAnalysis of Josuha Zeita ´s Flapper: A Madcap Story of Sex, Style, Celebrity, and the Women Who Made America Modern954 Words   |  4 PagesThe flapper was the harbinger of a radical change in American culture. She was a product of social and politica l forces that assembled after the First World War. Modernization adjusted the American life. Flapper: A Madcap Story of Sex, Style, Celebrity, and the Women Who Made America Modern by Joshua Zeitz analyzes the people who created the image of the flapper. This work is an incorporation of narrative, statistics, and scholarly work that provide a distinct insight on the â€Å"New Woman.† Joshua Zeitz

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications...

Policy Problem The recent Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications (CRTC) (2013c) Broadcasting Regulatory Policy on the Distribution of Canadian Category C national news speciality services marks a new regulatory approach to distributing competitive news and sports programming in Canada. This policy is a response to Canadians concerns over consumer choice due to program bundling and an inability to select news and sports programs on a stand-alone basis (CRTC, 2013c; CRTC, 2014). Based on the Commissions public notice on Regulatory Framework for Broadcasting Distribution Undertakings and Discretionary Programming Services, the new regulation demonstrates an effort to reduce national news and sports program regulations and to†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, the CRTC (2014) initiated Lets Talk TV in October 2013, which enabled a discussion between the regulatory body and Canadians to share their views on current regulations in broadcasting and the future of television packaging in Canada. The subsequent report of Lets Talk TV outlined the concerns and satisfactions of the Canadian public. In late 2013, the CRTC (2013c) ruled that Category C national news services should be offered by all broadcasting providers in an effort to remove regulatory restrictions for new entrants, increase competition in this sector and to enhance consumer choice. Issues and Implications The CRTC (2013c) identified five categories that this policy addressed: the necessity of offering all marketable news services, news neighbourhoods, packaging requirements, filing affiliation agreements and resolution strategies in negotiation rates and set an implementation period. The Commission ruled in favour of offering all news services to Canadian cable subscribers, against requiring that broadcasting distribution undertakings (BDUs) categorize similar programming into news neighbourhoods, against requiring packaged or bundled services and has permitted continued commercial negotiations instead of CRTC mediated negotiations. By March 19, 2014, all BDUs are required to satisfy the must-offer provision of this policy; all other arrangements will be effectiveShow MoreRelatedThe Implementation Of Media And Communications Policies1672 Words   |  7 Pagesvariety of policies put in place to regulate the presence and usage of these technologies. However, the re is a tendency for certain forms of communication to receive more attention regarding policies than others. In Canada, broadcasting falls into the former category when compared to other cultural industries such as magazine publishing, sound recording, and feature film. Although there are policies already implemented to support Canadian video productions, if the goal is indeed to protect Canadian cultureRead MoreRadio and Television Broadcasting in Canada1446 Words   |  6 Pagesfor broadcasting technology in the west; the possibilities of all that this era had to offer were infinite and with it came much needed regulatory policies. Radio and television broadcasting were at their infancy and no one knew how big this idea of instant, national connection would become. Soon after this, it became apparent that Canadians prominently turned their attention to American broadcasting and, in turn, overlooked their own. This piece of information sparked the birth of regulatory policiesRead More Is Canadian Culture Doomed to Become American? Essay1143 Words   |  5 PagesIs Canadian Culture Doomed to Become American? As Alvin Toffler once said, â€Å"The wider any culture is spread, the thinner it gets†1. Such holds true for the American culture, which is not only a dominating factor in its own internal market and known domestically but also a dictating force in countries around the world on the global scale, and the first on their list – Canada. This issue of cultural imperialism is touched upon by Gaà «tan Tremblay in his article, â€Å"Is Quebec Culture Doomed to BecomeRead More The Impact of Morality, Religion, and Law Upon Advertising Essay examples5091 Words   |  21 Pagesindirect sexual references. Similar Christian standards operate in such countries as Ireland, South Africa, Mexico, and the Philippines. Other cultures may be considered rather tolerant in sexual matters (for example, French commercials on public television readily show live semi-nude models) but may prohibit any show of pubic hair (Japan), the promotion of contraceptives (France), or the lewd use of wom en (Scandinavia and the Netherlands) in advertisements. Values change, however. Thus, the spreadRead MoreSirius Xm Case Study3198 Words   |  13 Pagesmerger Industry: * Prior to change: Sector: Consumer Services / Industry: Broadcasting - Radio * After change: Sector: Consumer Services / Industry: Broadcasting - Radio Challenge Years: Pre and Post 2007 (merger) †¢Introduction: * Sirius and XM, separate companies, began to compete in the satellite radio business in 2001 and 2002. Target market was car drivers and daily commuters who listened to their local radio stations that they preferred, but were limited to small service areas and lessRead MoreCORPORATE STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Essay6064 Words   |  25 Pagesprovides telecommunication and network transmission related services. The company offers, mobile telecommunication, passive infrastructure leasing, interconnect leased, pay television transmission, and other data services, and telecommunication network capacity, infrastructure, and services. It also provides financing, infrastructure and e-commerce, cable television and multimedia, information technology, data and backbone, fixed wireless, and transmission infrastructure, television broadcasting generatedRead MoreAnalysis of the Music Industry30024 Words   |  121 Pagesperformers. Young consumers are spending more time accessing music through t heir computers or televisions, having been brought up on MTV and other music channels in the new digital media environment of multi-channel television and radio. Although radio is now peripheral to television in terms of media consumption, the fact remains that music dominates radio output, and the two are self-reliant. In television, music plays a lesser role, but the popularity of talent shows such as Pop Idol and The X FactorRead MoreMonsanto: Better Living Through Genetic Engineering96204 Words   |  385 Pagesindie music industry C A S E F I V E Nucor in 2005 C A S E S I X News Corp in 2005: Consolidating the DirecTV acquisition C A S E S E V E N Shanghai Volkswagen: Implementing project management in the electrical engineering division C A S E E I G H T Television New Zealand: Balancing between commercial and social objectives C A S E N I N E From greenï ¬ eld to graduates: University of the Sunshine Coast C A S E T E N Whole Foods Market, 2005: Will there be enough organic food to satisfy the C A S E E L ERead MoreThe Effects of Advertising on Children33281 Words   |  134 PagesTelevision Advertising to Children A review of contemporary research on the influence of television advertising directed to children Prepared for ACMA by Dr Jeffrey E. Brand May 2007  © Commonwealth of Australia 2007 This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from the Commonwealth. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to the ManagerRead MoreBusiness and Consumer Law17552 Words   |  71 Pagesby one or both parties that seriously undermines a contract Common mistake: both parties to the agreement share the same fundamental mistake Illegal contract: a contract that cannot be enforced because it is contrary to legislation or public policy Public policy: the communitys common sense and common conscience Non-solicitation clause: a clause forbidding contact with the businesss customers Non-competition clause: a clause forbidding competition for a certain period of time Guarantee: a promise

Water Abuse Free Essays

Water is a vital to all human life, but people don’t know how they should limit their use of it, how their actions affect the purity of it, or how restricted water actually is. They do not know how to take care of water, or their environment. They need to realize that water should not be carelessly used for leisure. We will write a custom essay sample on Water Abuse or any similar topic only for you Order Now Also, recognize that they pollute their own water supply with chemicals and trash, and they do not seem to understand that there is a limited supply of water. Americans do not comprehend the actual meaning of water abuse, and how it applies to them. The abuse of water is going to revolve around how much American over use and waste it. People aren’t concerned or aware of the scarcity of water because they don’t see how it affects them directly. According to Karen Bouwer, in her essay â€Å"Women and Water†, the average â€Å"†¦use in the United States is 176 gallons per person per day. † (Bouwer 319) More than half of that percentage only includes bathing and flushing the toilet. While on the contrary, African nations â€Å"†¦average 10 gallons† per person per day if they are lucky. Americans probably would not be able to function without being able to use water whenever they may please. Although this may seem like something that can be fixed, the water pollution human’s cause put even more restrictions on water. Most people are aware that their trash ends up in the middle of the ocean, while some others are clueless. Some may not see how where â€Å"the trash man† drops their trash is of importance. But the reality is that most of the things that people put into their trash cans never decompose, or can take over 10 years to do so. The one thing that all Americans use everyday at some point of the day never decomposes is plastic. Over fifteen percent of all plastic made, ends up in the ocean. A majority of that fifteen percent ends up on the ocean floor. (Reuse It) For example, in San Antonio, â€Å"†¦park personnel haul off more than 600,000 pounds of trash† (Harte 164) Plastic can over power the United States ocean water, which is one thing that puts limitations on water. Human’s thinks that water is somewhat endless because of what they learned in school, the water cycle. With the key terms condensation, evaporation, and precipitation Americans get the idea that water is always going to be in rotation. In reality, Americans are right water is in rotation, but all of that water is not usable. Yes, the water that humans drink and shower with does partially come from ground water, but people don’t understand how much water they actually have to use. Barely one percent of the water in the entire world is actually fresh and usable. That one percent is the only water that is clean enough to be considered usable by all Americans, which seems almost impossible to comprehend. Humans constantly use water and let it run without thinking. How would Americans react if they didn’t have access to clean water anymore? They need to realize we do have an unlimited access. Americans should be aware that they are privileged to have virtually unlimited access to water. But most Americans seem to take advantage of this source, which ultimately affects everyone in the long run. Humans do not know how to limit their use of water because they’ve never had to so. These water abusers must be informed of their actions so that things can change. People need to start put limitations on how much they use water and make sure its 100% necessary to have it running. As well as, more American need to start recycling; the plastic doesn’t only affect humans, but marine animals also. Americans have to realize that the water that we currently have is all that we have. Work Cited â€Å"Water Facts. † The Water Information Program. 5 September 2012. Online Bouwer, Karen. â€Å"Women and Water. † The Water and Culture Reader. Southlake: Fountainhead,2011. 319-322. Print â€Å"Use and Toss Plastic Bottle Facts†. ReUseIt. 6 September 2012. Online Harte, Alexis. â€Å"San Antonio: A City Guided By Its River. † The Water and Culture Reader. Southlake: Fountainhead, 2011. 161-163. Print How to cite Water Abuse, Papers

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Writing with style Essays - Human Behavior, Culture, Punctuation

Writing with style: Preparing Essays, PAPERS and Dissertations in History and economic & social History University of Glasgow rev. 23 September 2010 DAS/MDF CONTENTS Introduction 2 1. Preparing Essays: The Basics 2 What Your Tutor Is Looking For in an Essay Structure Presentation Quotations Punctuation and Syntax Style Tables and Figures 2. Plagiarism 8 3. References 9 Footnotes Forms of Reference Bibliography 4. Dissertations 15 5. Citing Primary Sources and Theses 16 Appendices: 1. Mock Essay with Footnotes 19 2. Sample Dissertation Pages 20 INTRODUCTION Written work is central to assessment in History and Economic and Social History. Most undergraduate courses will require students to submit one or two essays, and these provide preparation for examinations. Postgraduates also write essays or papers. Both final year undergraduates and master's students write dissertations, which, while much longer than the typical essay, share many of its features. This handbook seeks to provide guidance to students about the preparation and presentation of written work and about the use and acknowledgement of books, articles, web sites, original documents, and other source materials. Its audience includes students in their first year, who are writing university essays for the first time, all the way to postgraduate students working towards a taught or research degree. PGR students should also familiarise themselves with College and University guidelines on layout of research theses. The first part of chapter 1 is intended primarily for first year students, although more experienced students may still find useful tips here, particularly in sections 1.5 onwards, which cover matters of style and presentation. The guidance on referencing in chapters 3 is relevant to all students writing essays and dissertations. Chapters 4 and 5 are intended for final year and PG students, who are writing dissertations and theses based upon original sources. All students should pay close attention to the advice on avoiding plagiarism in chapter 2. 1. PREPARING ESSAYS: THE BASICS Undergraduate students will usually be asked to write essays, while postgraduates will more often write papers. An essay answers a question set by the tutor, and the student has to start by figuring out what the question is about. A paper is one where the student decides the issues, approaches and parameters, within a general field agreed with the tutor. The initial sections of this chapter are primarily intended for undergraduate students writing essays, although all students should observe the points on punctuation and style from section 1.5 onwards. 1.1. What Your Tutor Is Looking For in an Essay Your tutor is looking for a coherent overall argument which answers the question you have chosen. You should answer the set question in as focused a way as possible. What is the point of the question? What subsidiary questions does it raise? Your tutor needs to see that you understand why the question has been asked and what implications it has. Plan before you start; your tutor will soon notice if your essay begins to lose coherence. A good plan of attack is necessary to a successful essay. Your essay will normally consist of an analysis which presents a series of points, in the form of an argument. Avoid a narrative or chronological approach. It is important that you present appropriate evidence and detailed case studies, but make sure that these support substantive points of your analysis. Do not include description just to fill space. Think about the relevance of all parts of your essay to the question, and the logic of your conclusion. Sustained argument is essential to a successful essay. While showing awareness of different points of views, you should be able to do more than just present the opinions of others; you need to be able to show that you have developed your own view of the topic. Your essay should not consist simply of quotations and paraphrases from your reading. 1.2. Structure There is no hard and fast rule for how an essay should be organised. Some essays will require you to be more aware of debates among historians, while others will place greater emphasis on primary sources. Nonetheless, your essay is likely to have to consider the following issues: . What is the historical context of the set question? What is happening in the period that is relevant? Is there a larger historical problem of which the set question is a component? . What have historians said about the question (or about the larger historical problem)? If they disagree (as they almost certainly do), is this due to differences in methodology, definitions of key concepts, or the evidence they select, or does it reflect particular ideological viewpoints